Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Finding the Right Saddle

Maybe it's just me, but the search for the perfect saddle is akin to the search for for the Holy Grail.  Even if I am saddle sore and numbness free I wonder if there is not another saddle out there that would offer me additional comfort (especially on those 5 hour rides). I did find this article on finding the right saddle to offer some decent guidance on what to look for in my next saddle.  I think this off-season is going to be a good time to try some new offerings and really find the right saddle for me.  If you have any recommendations out there, please let me know.


  1. Love to hear an Osteopaths opinion....

    mbeal DO

  2. Now if after 25 plus years... I could only find the right saddle... I'm heading to the basement to measure my ishial tuberosyties..

